In this article we are going to talk about the 10 best tips to get good marks in exams. Amid the COVID-19 crisis that is creating havoc throughout the globe, good news is rare. But there was one related to school children and exams. The governments of respective states of India passed a circular on 30 March, 2020 declaring that all the students to be promoted in the next class without any exams. Also students preparing for government exams will be receiving an extension in study time as government has postponed all central and state related recruitment exams. But today or tomorrow everybody will have to face exams. So today let us take a look at some tips that can help everybody ace their exams.
10 Best Tips To Get Good Marks In Exam
The best tips to get good marks in examination are discussed below in detail:
1. Visit the chapter before attending the chapter

The path to achieve good marks in an exam initiates from the day you start learning a new part of your syllabus. It is quite common for a teacher to declare that he will be starting a new chapter in the next session. So it is always recommended to go through the specific chapter before you attend it in the next session. By doing this, what happens is that when the teacher is teaching it in the classroom, the chapter ceases to be completely alien to you. Learning an altogether new chapter takes time and can result in loss of concentration. But this can be avoided by visiting the chapter once on your own at your own pace before you learn it in a classroom.
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2. Playing close attention

Now once you know what is going to be taught in the class on a particular day, you should always equip yourself with tools like pencil and notebook. Play close attention to what the teacher or professor is saying and explaining. Try to concentrate and grasp every word he is saying. Take down notes. Underline or highlight those parts that are unique or difficult to remember. If you come across a new and complex word, never hesitate to write its meaning in the margin provided in your mother tongue or any language that you are comfortable with. Ask the professor if you have any kind of doubt then and there. Try to understand what the teacher is trying to deliver by focusing on his words.
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3. Revise the chapter after attending the chapter

After the class ends and you go home, read the chapter once again. But this time the reading should be between the lines. Read the underlined parts twice. Do not lose the book where you have scribbled the notes during the session. After thorough reading of the chapter note down proper and sequential bullet points for future studies. These notes and bullet points prove to be gold when you are revising the whole syllabus few days prior to the main exam. After going through the chapter, solve the numericals based on that particular chapter if any. If the chapter contains complex mathematical formulae or convoluted terminologies, write them on a sheet and paste them on a wall which is always visible to you so that you can view it every time you are going past it.
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4. Date and syllabus

Always be updated with exam dates and syllabus. Keep confirming the dates and syllabus from websites and your friends. This is essential as it helps you to plan and prepare a timetable accordingly. School and university exam dates rarely change but government exam dates may change depending on natural as well as political environment. So if you are not up to date with these dates you may have to suffer major loss. Many a times even the syllabus is revised and if one is unaware of these changes he may study a part that is not going to be asked in the exam and may skip the part that is surely going to be asked. So it is advisable to keep confirming the exam dates and syllabus.
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5. Timetable and initiation

Now that you have updated yourself with the dates and syllabus, it is the time to plan and start your studies. The very first step is to prepare a timetable that includes everything, from waking up early in the morning to sleep time. If preparing for board or university exams it is convenient to start studying for the subject that is going to be conducted at the very last. And in case of government exams or entrance tests where mostly it is a one day exam, no need to apply the above mentioned strategy. Once the timetable is ready it is time to follow it. Go through the entire syllabus once and acknowledge the sections that you are weak and strong in.
Do not spend time in studying what you already are perfect in. As these are the initial days you should devote your time and fresh hours to the sections of the syllabus that are difficult. If you are unable to understand particular theories do not hesitate to ask for guidance and help from your friends and teachers. Nowadays so many platforms are available on the internet which can explain almost all your doubts. If someone calls you to explain something to him be happy to help. Because what happens is, when you are explaining a theory to your friends, the theory is also getting revised in your own mind making you perfect in the process.
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6. Diet and exercise

Along with studying hard, a good and balanced diet also plays an important role in scoring good marks in exams. A balanced diet that includes proteins, cereals, green and leafy vegetables, fruits will help you keep your body healthy and away from diseases in exam period specially. Also performing physical exercises helps in keeping the body and mind fresh. A fresh mind and rejuvenated body assists in focusing and concentrating on the study.
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7. Partial revision and revision

Partial revision includes the revision of previous chapters. When starting a new topic it is mandatory to revise the previous chapters and go through them once. As the day of exam nears you should be ready with bullet points and short notes related to every chapter. Because, revision carries a lot of weightage in the recipe of scoring good marks. Dedicating some time for revision is a must. Revision period is that process where in you go through the whole syllabus after studying it and give a finishing touch to your memory. Scholars say that at times it is ok to study less but it is never acceptable to skip on revision. Revision aids in assimilating the whole studied syllabus in a systematic fashion in your brain.
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8. Sleep schedule

Many students are comfortable in studying at night and many early in the morning. But when the exams are nearing it is advisable to schedule your sleep in accordance with the exam time. Many students get into a habit of napping after lunch during the study period, but this can cause problem if the exam time coincides with the student’s nap time. On the day of the examination he can start feeling sleepy as the body has got used to nap at that particular time of the day. In order to avoid this, during the revision period students should study or revise at that time of the day when the exam is going to be conducted. If the exam is scheduled from 2pm to 5pm, students should study and train their body from 1.30pm to 5.30pm.
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9. Day before the exam

This is the day where the students can choose to do various activities. They can choose not to touch the books at all or they can even continue with revision. You may have read it in many articles to watch a movie or go out with your friends and similar other things. But it is my personal suggestion to the students that do not do anything on a day before your exam that will make you think. If you watch a movie, your brain will automatically start criticizing the movie or start creating alternative scenes which will distract you from your aim.
If you go out with friends they may remind you of some part of syllabus that you are not good at and this may create a state of panic in your mind. This can be unhealthy for your performance in exam. So I suggest you people to go through the short notes and bullet points you have made once, read them slowly and carefully, write down the complex formulae once and sleep early. If your exam is in other city unfamiliar to you it is advisable to visit the exam venue on this day to avoid any rush on the day of exam.
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10. The day of ____

The day of exam arrives. This is the day on which, all you have to do is deliver and perform. It is not the day to think of the results. This is not the day to revise syllabus. This is not the day to read the bullet points or write formulae again. It is the day to have a deep and full sleep on the previous night. Keep in mind to reach the exam centre strictly an hour before the reporting time. Before you leave your home double check if you have taken the admit card and other necessary stationary items. Make sure you are dressed in the clothes that you are comfortable in. Some entrance exams do not allow any kind of metal items on your body including belts, so dress accordingly. And last but not the least, keep calm and put in all your efforts.
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Discipline, hard work and persistence are the mantras of success. Not only students but everybody should be disciplined and follow a timetable. And everybody knows that there is no substitute for hard work. You want to achieve something, you have to study and work hard for it. And lastly, you should be persistent in being disciplined and hard working. I wish all the readers who have upcoming exams or tests success.