Why We Should Be Kind To Animals?
In this article we are going to talk about the why We Should be Kind to Animals? Imagine a world where humans were treated like animals, the same way we treat them. Humans peeled off their skin for cloth, humans being hunted down by animals, humans stored in zoos and cages for the sole purpose […]
Advantages and Disadvantages of Having a Cat
In this article we are going to talk about the Advantages and disadvantages of having a cat. Our topic of article is quiet simple and interesting. Everyone wants to have a pet at their home and belongings. But the question is which pet? Everyone is different in their own way. People have their choices, taste. […]
Top 10 Most Endangered Animals in the World
In this article we are going to talk about the most endangered animals in the world. In the trace of development and increasing the comfort of life, humans have compromised the most with the nature, the flora and the fauna has been worst affected by the human actions. Today, most of the commonly found animals […]