Advantages and disadvantages of oral communication are discussed here in this article. Oral communication is the process of direct communication or face to face communication between two or more people. Oral communication has its own advantages and disadvantages. Have a read here.
5 Advantages of Oral Communication
The advantages of oral communication are discussed below:
1. It saves time
One of the biggest advantage of oral communication is it saves a person’s time and is hassle free. Sometimes there are certain cases where a person is really busy and doesn’t have any time to write a letter for communicating. So, in this case oral communication is necessary to save time. You can either make a quick phone call or make a group conference or just walk up to the person concerned directly and communicate face to face. It is always better in oral rather than a text or a message.
2. Fast Feedback
Oral communication leads to fast and quick feedback. When two persons are actually having a front to front conversation then it is known that you’ll get the feedback of your message quick. Getting a feedback over text or letter is a long process and its really difficult to discuss about the feedback. But in case of oral communication the feedback process is easier as once you get the feedback in front, you can work on it and rather discuss about it either with two persons or a large group of people. The receiver and the sender both are able to adjust the feedbacks.
3. Effect
Another advantage of oral communication is its effect. Here effect means communication effectiveness where you can see the receiver’s reaction face to face. Reaction includes the style of talking, concentration, eye and eye brow movements. But the main focus point here is the tone of voice. From oral communication, on the basis of the other person’s voice tone you can make out whether the receiver understood the message properly or rather is really interested in further communication.

Sometimes, the speaker speaking can convey different shades of meaning, oral communication helps to overcome such problems as over text you can’t really make out a proper meaning many times.
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4. Flexible
Oral communication is flexible. Flexible means the words can be changed or corrected anytime face to face over a conversation. When you pass over a written communication, there might be mistakes but you have already passed it to the receiver. In this process of written communication changing or correcting words is really a hassle and time consuming. Whereas, in oral communication you can change your words at a sudden and if there are mistakes or anything to be repeated once more, you can do it hassle free.
5. Informal
The last important advantage of oral communication is the informal factor. You don’t really need to maintain any such formalities or use certain formal words. In this communication you can either sit over a cup of coffee or have a walk in the park while conversing. Both the sender and receiver can have an official informal talk or just hanging out. Written communication needs a lot of formalities and processes.
5 Disadvantages of Oral Communication
The disadvantages of oral communication are discussed below:
1. Emotions
Emotions play a very big part in oral communication. It is one of the biggest disadvantages of oral communication. When you are conversing with a person directly there comes an emotional factor between the sender and the receiver, where either the sender’s emotions or the receiver’s emotions makes the whole communication process complex. Emotions includes any type of reaction sad or angry which leads to a great hassle in the communication process. In written communication the messages are written or typed and there isn’t any pinch of emotions or complexities between the sender and the receiver.
2. Distance
Distance can really be of disadvantage in oral communication when you need to send a message right away and that person stays abroad. If proper requirements aren’t met then meeting the person directly or phone calling can be of no use. In this case written communication is required, especially if you are ought to seek permission from a higher authority for any such thing as excursion or any official work. Here, you just need to type your message and send it over the internet or rather post the mail to the person concerned address. Oral communication is actually not possible in long distance if both the sender and the receiver do not have any communication devices available with them at the peak moment.
3. Misunderstanding
Direct communication creates misunderstanding between the sender and the receiver. There are instances where the whole communication process turns into a heated argument due to misunderstanding. There can be many such causes to misunderstandings as both are able to confront each other and due to the sender not being able to explain or deliver the whole message properly to the receiver, as a result the receiver is left confused. Thus, creates many questions and misunderstandings. In written communication no such misunderstandings can be created.

4. Absence of records
Oral communication has no specific records or proofs. When the sender and receiver are conversing there is no hard proof of the whole communication process. You never know when a person might turn their back onto you and completely deny the whole fact. Or in other cases in verbal communication one cannot keep track of words such as you may miss out some important words or notices, the person conveying the message might not exactly repeat it again. So, to avoid such hassles it’s always better to note down or type out message as it is safe to keep records. You never know when you require it or when it might save you at the last moment.
5. Lack of security
One of the last disadvantage of oral communication is lack of security. While conversing secret official matters, you might never know if someone hears the whole communication and discloses the details. It is always recommended to converse in written communication as you can exchange codes or such words which is only understandable by the receiver and the secret information will not be leaked. So, these were some advantages and disadvantages of oral communication. Kindly share it with tour friends to aware them about the advantages and disadvantages of oral communication.