In this article we are going to discuss about some important and essential things to keep in your Car. Almost everyone loves driving a car and enjoy long drives but not all know how to ensure that you make the best of the ride. You have to be well prepared and understand the basic necessities you should always carry with you in the car every time you leave your house. Future is unpredictable and you never know what the destiny plans for you ahead. In order, to ensure safety and precautions you should always carry certain items which will help you to get out of the most difficult and unavoidable situations while driving or traveling in a car. God forbid, you never have to face this but the truth remains the same. Some simple, regular items and you are good to go.
10 Essential things to keep in your Car
Here is the list of essential things to keep in your car discussed below:
1. First Aid Kit

None of us is aware about our health condition; a perfectly fine person might suddenly go through a drastic disease and die within seconds. It is always mandatory to carry a basic first- aid kit to ensure your safety and control the condition as soon as you start feeling something is not right. Some people feel uncomfortable while traveling in car while others might feel nausea because of heights or long traveling time and hence should always carry their medicines to travel safe and without causing inconvenience to the fellow travellers.
If someone suffers from a particular medical issue, they should never forget to carry their medicines as the journey could have a very bad impact on their health and if it is avoidable such people should stay home and travel as less as possible and look after their health. The first- aid kit should also include bandages and gauge for the tough times nobody ever thinks of being caught in. Precaution is always better than crying after suffering.
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2. Mobile Charger

Today in this world of communication and technology, mobile safeguards safety in some or the other way while you are away from your home and family. Mobile is the only source of communication in case of an accident or a personal emergency or in circumstances when the car breaks-down or the air pressure in the tire is inappropriate to travel longer distance. You can search for a nearby workshop or mechanic, call a friend or relative or mechanic you know or if nothing seems possible try fixing the issue by looking over the internet with the aid of your mobile phone.
To accomplish the use of phone you must carry your phone charger as a supplement in your car so that the difficult times do not become worse because of dead battery and lack of communication. A portable charger or an additional charging slot inside your car will help you stay out of such situations whenever you move out of your house even if you forget to charge your phone before leaving.
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3. Jumper cables

Car batteries can die because of many reasons; forgot to turn off your lights or left the ignition on for a longer duration anything might result in a dead battery. A jumper cable in your car can be your saviour in such harsh times when you are stuck in the middle of the road while traveling. A Samaritan vehicle or a supporting car can help you get out of this condition if you are able to jump-start your car but the vehicle must have an atleast the same voltage as of your own vehicle. Connecting the jumper cables as per the proper instructions with the other vehicle and then starting the engine would help you recover the dead- battery loss and help you continue your journey without any further worries.
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4. Spare Tire

Traveling on rough or uneven roads might result in a flat tire. Sometimes you cannot even think of one reason and you face the flat tire and no mechanic anywhere around you but having a spare tire can help you fight this. A tire iron, lug wrench and torch light are also mandatory to change the tire. You should also try carrying an air pressure gauge of the tire while traveling inside the trunk of the car to be safe and cautious. One should also make sure that you know how to change a tire of the car if you are driving on the road because just keeping the material is not the only solution for the problem.
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5. A spare key

Humans tend to forget; they can forget the car keys inside the car or misplace the keys. A spare key will help in avoiding the breaking of the car glass and causing harm to the car and then followed by maintenance and repairs. One should also carry a heavy metal tool with them for breaking the glass in conditions were coming out is only possible by breaking it.
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6. Jack

A jack is a device or a mechanical device, which is used to lift heavy loads with great force required by them. It uses screw thread to lift the weight. A jack is used to lift a car be it a small hatchback or a SUV to change a flat tire. The usage of jack makes it easier to follow the process of changing the tire. The tier lifts the car upwards and the mechanic or the driver can easily replace the tier.
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7. Owner’s manual

The car owner’s manual should always be handy and kept at a very well-known and approachable place in a car so that anyone can access it without any problems in the time of emergency. This manual contains all the necessary and required information for the car owner or the driver he should know or check or work as per the given guidelines. This has the basic details like the proper pressure level of your tire to how to fix your tire or other parts or what oil your car needs if you ever are stuck in a problem.
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8. Water bottle

Water is the most essential to keep your body hydrated and fit all the time and avoid feeling dizzy while driving a car. Water can be supportive after eating or to take a medicine. Their might be roads with only forest or dead silence all around and nothing could be found for kilometres, it is always better to carry your own water bottle as per the need to be safe in such situations.
Avoiding drinking water can disturb your body functioning and drinking too much of it might force you to use the washroom again and again during the drive, so maintain a proper balance between the two and store enough water for the entire trip. The water bottles should be of good quality to withstand heat as well as freezing cold temperatures as per the destination you are traveling to. Water is also very helpful to clean your glass mirror for clear visibility and deal with the overheating problem.
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9. Sunshade and Napkins

Sunshade is important when you travel in car during summers or in regions with high temperatures. Scorching heat and sunlight have a negative impact over your health and there are chances you suffer from headache or feel like vomiting. Blocking direct sunlight reduces the interior temperature of the car and the burning sensation when you touch the seat belt or the gear or steering wheel. Direct sunlight resulting in excessive heat can cause harm to the stereos, touch pads present in the latest cars and the disks.
The sunshade aids good maintenance and long life of the vehicle electronics and equipment. Carrying napkins as essential might sound weird but they are of great use in many situations. They can be used to clean your glass or mirror due to fog or dust, clean the spilled drinks or food inside the car or checking the car oil and cleaning your hands without wasting water.
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10. License and Car documents

Carrying all your relevant documents of the car as well as the driver is mandatory for everyone whoever comes on the road from their houses. These documents prove your identity and your ownership of the car. The license can act as and Id proof if you are found helpless and need medical support. The insurance policy, Registration Certificate or RC, Pollution under control certificate or PUC of the car must be present in the car dashboard or back seat folder at all times to be presented in times when required.
These documents are the only proof that the vehicle is legal to be driven and you are legally allowed to drive the car. The police officer can anytime ask you to present any of these documents. PUC is necessary to prove that the gases that your car emits are not harmful for the environment and meet the pre- fixed standards made by the government. Drives are for fun, enjoyment and making memories and not to look for ways to escape the odds because of the lack of documents.
The list of essentials to be kept inside a car can be never ending, varying as per the needs and requirements of different people traveling to different areas and locations across the globe. A driver traveling to hills might need to carry a shovel to remove ice from the roads when you face an undeclared snowfall or a car cover to protect your car from dust sand and storms. An emergency comes undeclared but proper preparation, awareness helps to reduce its impact and effect, and hence one should always ensure to carry the necessary items before leaving their house. Life is more valuable than anything else is.