Read this article to know what to do when a girl is ignoring your text messages? It is really hard to wait for reply when you start dating or even with anybody else too. It makes you mad and upset. You eventually spend way too much time stressing over it. But actually, worrying about this is just a waste of time.
We understand how difficult it can be to know what to do when you such type of situation. All you have to do is, instead of over analyzing the situation; focus on a plan of action to get the conversation kept going. Here are some of the ways that you should follow to win that conversation again.
10 Things to do when a girl is ignoring your text messages
Here are few things to do when a girl is ignoring your messages that are listed below:
1. Try to know the reason behind her behavior
Before taking any further decision, it’s better to know the reason of this ignorance. You need to think of your past conversation or maybe your behavior towards her that would cause her to behave this way. With this you’ll know where things went wrong.
2. Do not ignore her back
According to the human nature, you tend to ignore her back. This is a simple human tendency. But doing this becomes hard for you to deal with. Just try not to ignore her back because doing this will not do any good to your relationship.
3. Try to understand her
She might be going through some harsh days and emotional breakdowns. She might be going through some personal issues which she doesn’t want to discuss about. At this point of time she might don’t want any other confusions and fights with you too. All you can do is calm her down and just try to understand her situation. You must ensure her that you will be there for her no matter what happens. She might be upset because of something might be dealing with some issues. You just tell her that she will not go through all this alone. Ensure her that you will be there whenever she needs you. You can send her some texts that might make her happy and comfortable. Do not be so clingy with the texts. Just make sure you maintain your boundaries while texting her. These will surely her you to comfort her.
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4. Give her some “me time”
You should give her some space and personal time to let her calm herself down and figure out her thoughts herself. This will clear her mind. If she is no liking you presence through your texts or maybe through the calls for a particular period of time, just make sure you do what she want. You simply do not bother her for some time. Once she has figured things out and I calm enough, she will surely come up to you and talk about the stuff that happened.
5. Control your male ego
It often hurts your ego if somebody ignores you. to deal with the girl you need to control your anger. Your anger will make things even worse and she might also lose her mind. Eventually, you both will not land up to the right conclusion and might affect your relation for a long term.
6. Tell her how you feel
You are also not feeling well seeing her that way and it might make you feel devastated when she ignores you. It I quite understood that you feel really miserable when she is not talking to you. So, it is not all bad to show your weak side and tell your feelings about the situation. Just try to keep your anger aside and talk to her about the things that are going wrong. This might make her feel bad about her actions and she might feel better than before.
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7. Make sure she is really interested
There are certain chances that she might lose interest in you. But do not think too much about this before you confirm with her about the same. Just ensure that she might like spending time with anybody else or maybe alone. It will be concluded hat is not more interested in you and she does not like your company anymore. When you have given your best and have done all the possible things you could do to make her feel good and still do not feel any change in her actions, it is better to back off.
8. Do not over think
It is quite understood that it is really hard to deal with such situations but you have to make sure that you do not think about this too much. You both are out with your friends to hangout and If she is she is behaving nicely with all other friends but not you. You might feel bad and this will make you think some unnecessary things. Try not to over think and rather try to clear things out.
9. Take care of yourself too
There are hard times in every relationship. Be it with your friend or your boyfriend or girlfriend. Make sure you take care of yourself too while all these things are going on. We usually ignore our mental and physical health because of such issues. All such things that are happening around you might make you mentally weak but you need to make sure that you should think about yourself too.
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10. Don be clingy
This is for the one who has just started texting a girl. Try not t be too desperate and clingy. Do not try to be over smart and be funny. Relax yourself; be kind and polite to her. Also, do not double text her. She might feel that you are too desperate and she will eventually lose interest in you. Be patient and be steady and just wait for her reply. She might take an hour, a day or even a weak, but let her do that. Also, do not be over interested in her life. The less interest you show, the more she will desperate to know the reason behind your changed behavior.
So, coming to the conclusion. If she is just your new online friend and she is ignoring your text messages more often, then the best option is not to do anything. You are not the only one dude. Also, do not waste time thinking about her. The above mentioned ways will give you the best chance of bringing back the dead conversation. And if you have tried all the ways but still did not get any respond from her side, then bro I is time to just back off and not to bother her again ever.