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The Best site to read blogs
This is the best site to read blogs that are very much informative and genuine. We have collected so many great blogs to read that you will really enjoy. You can read the most popular blogs in just one click.
Best Blogs To Read Daily
We all love to read blogs which are motivating and inspiring in our lives. But what exactly is a blog? What do we mean by blogs?
Basically blogs is the short form of weblog and is referred to as the websites or the webpages where particular kind of content is being posted up regularly for the people following the blog to read and to feel better. The key for any blog to be successful is the provision of useful content with a polite and a kind tone which can help the readers change their lives or can be just a source of entertainment.
A blog can represent anything that you wish like sharing, be it food, be it some inspirational or motivational quotes, be it travel blog or a health blog or related to tech features or some kind of E learning or can be related to parenting. So any kind of information can be shared via blogs and it is not limited at all.
Blogs can be used as a source of constant monetization and can be done as a side income source if the blog gets successful or influential with a lot number of followers who gets to learn new things, probably something useful or sometimes ingenious as well. It is always helpful when people start to read the blogs of influential bloggers.
10 Best Blogs to Read Daily in 2020
Here is the list of the 10 blog websites that one can read daily:
1. Business Insider Blog
Business Insider is a blog that started back in 2009 and is one of the top most blog with net monthly visitor as 25000000. It basically focuses on the business and finance industry and updates information about the business news, sharing and analyzing these news with a rational view point which readers loves the most about this blog. This blog website knows it clear about the kind of visitors and followers it have and thus posts the content related to that only which is quite informative in the finance world and even helps the readers understand which move to make and how to proceed with that. It out performs the rivals by a good number of writers that they have who updates the blog regularly.

2. The Phrasee Blog
Phrasee Blog is yet another blog which is not exactly big in comparison with the previous one but it is growing steadily in this business and aims its content to Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Email Marketing. These are kind of the emerging sectors in the world with great number of vacancies and opportunities. Phrasee Blog uses humor, research, alternative perspectives to portray the content related to those topics which targets a large number of tech geeks who are inclined in working on the same and this is a great example of emerging E- learning blog where the readers can actually get to learn new stuff.
3. CopyBlogger
Copyblogger is a blog which started back in 2006 by the founder Brian Clark which is at present quite influential and a successful blog which focuses on its readers to be “king of content”. This blog posts the content as a resource for entrepreneurs to be better content writers, better content marketers and indeed to be true entrepreneurs. An entrepreneurs needs to be pitch perfect in this field with confidence yet poise who can stand up, in front of the world and can speak along with immense marketing skills. This blog provides useful tips to the entrepreneurs and various learning tools for training and practicing to be experts in the marketing field and in the content field.

However easy it might seem writing content to some random reader, I might tell them that it’s no cakewalk as writing content and then marketing what’s your viewpoint requires a whole different kind of practice and consistent efforts. This blog basically tells people how to create stuff online and then use it for a business which can be really helpful for people aspiring to be entrepreneurs and starting their own business.
4. GaryVaynerchuk Blog
Garyvaynerchuk is a blog initiated by Gary vaynerchuk himself aiming and posting content related to wines. The blog boasts about almost all kind of wine and the founder of this blog has used this source of video blogging to literally expand his wine business to a proper wholesale business. It gained popularity due to loud and charismatic attitude of Gary vaynerchuk who is also the host of American TV show. It basically is for the wine lovers who love to taste different wines or even love just knowing about the wines.
5. PsyBlog
It is a blog related to social psychology which have approximately subscribers as 53000+. This can one of the most influential and a useful blog that can be read daily. The founder has known knowledge about psychology and tries to impart the same to the readers rationally posting up thoughts and theories and comparing them with the day to day issues so that the readers understand those properly. A successful blog can be achieved by taking in notice the kind of readers it attracts and then to present the content which interests them and is easy to understand. We, as humans all need psychology tips as no matter what, we need mental peace which can be readily achieved by these theories and by reading some of them.

6. NerdFitness Blog
Nerdfitness Blog is a blog for the fitness freaks who are very particular about their gym routines, their eating habits and their fitness regimes who loves to look out for some new and interesting tips for the same. Steve Kamb started writing for this blog who posts in their successful stories which can be very inspiring for the readers. He is not even into marketing the stuff he posts and aims for people to have an endearing personality even outside the gym and the particular regime that they have.
7. AllTechBuzz Blog
AllTechBuzz is a blog started by Imran Uddin that covers heck load of all the upcoming information and news related to the tech world and the technology. This is the perfect place to find all the information about the phones, laptops, launches, accessories, technologies in India and was launched in 2011. This is one of the most emerging blogs posting the reviews about the emerging tech news and the launches comparing two different devices and is quite useful for all the tech freaks of the country.

8. ProBlogger Blog
Problogger is a blog started by Darren Rowse who started blogging as a hobby. He started blogging about Olympics with all the photographs as a part of his hobby and for fun and then he started on to professional blogging and initiated with problogger which was dedicated for helping and assisting other bloggers. Darren started earning a lot of money through this blogging and posts the content for new bloggers containing blogging tips and the way to start blogging, basic tutorials and even the new blogging trends.
Basically it assists people in learning how to blog and basically guiding them onto path of proper blogging which can lead to them earning money and as a source of income. This blog is quite useful as it gives you a proper direction of how to start with the content, to form community, to start blogs, and to learn, develop and improve as u study further.
9. TechCrunch
TechCrunch is a blog initiated by Michael Arrington and Keith Teare and features reviewed and critically acclaimed views regarding new, upcoming and emerging tech companies with new technologies and basically some startups. It is best known for “Disrupt” conference which is held at different locations each year and invites new startups for a conference and a competition held for further funding of their tech plans. TechCrunch is the most read tech blog in the world and is one of the most successful blogs of the tech industry.

10. NextBigWhat
Nextbigwhat is a blog aimed for all the startup companies which was founded by Ashish Sinha. It is one of the huge best blogging platform for the startup companies. If you have a marketing mindset with some spark of any new idea, then you can definitely visit this blog which contains hundreds of articles related to entrepreneurship and marketing skills and can definitely help you start one of these with the right guidance. This can be quite motivating and inspiring for the geek readers as well.