In this article we are going to discuss about the best cooking blogs to follow. Food is something we are all fond of. Earlier food was seen as general need of the human being and wasn’t so advertised much. With time, food has evolved from simple looking and feeding hunger to decorated and source of enjoyment in addition. Indian foods have gained popularity among the diners of the world due its spices, sweetness etc. Therefore, it became necessary to spread the recipes of these Indian foods to the world. This task of sharing recipes and helping others to make the same is done by cooking blogs of India. Other than Indian cooking blogs, international cooking blogs are also helpful for many of us. Cooking blogs are blogs that contain recipes of dishes. It helps to make delicious dishes with minimal number of requirements with the equipment’s present in home.
Top 10 Cooking Blogs To Follow
These cooking blogs may even teach you the cooking from the basic level. Some cooking blogs have become famous quickly as they share their recipes efficiently making it easy to learn. Some of this cooking blogs which you can follow are:
1. Cooking with Thas
This is beautifully designed blog written by Thasneen. In the main page, it shows the trending and popular dishes with its description. It has proper section of each type of cuisines like Indian, Mexican, Italian, American, Chinese etc. where we can find various recipes of the international food with proper description. Its description of recipe has a unique style that is it starts from origin of this food and slowly starts describing the recipe with the flow. It has another section for courses from which you can select between Desserts, soup, breakfast, appetisers etc which in turn will you to that section of the blog. There is even an option given to contact the blogger.
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2. Chennai Foodie
This is a cooking blog related to food items from all over India but mainstream of this site is food items of Chennai and Bangalore. The blog has a colourful layout at its main page. Main page contains the photos of recent blogs published as well as the photos of its popular blog. The content of this blog contains many images which make it lucrative to see. In addition to that, proper description of the menus is also given alongside the images. It contains the description of menus from all over the world. It has also ranked food items from 1-50 made in India and another ranking for food items in Asia.
3. Tasty Appetite
This is blog with almost all the recipes of the world. It has different sections of recipes differentiated on the basis of timing like breakfast recipes, lunch recipes, dinner recipes etc. This blog operates a YouTube channel for the same. The one thing which makes this blog very popular is the content of every recipe has a well explaining video with it which makes viewer easier to understand. Other than that, one drawback of this blog is that it shows many advertisements on loading which may be frustrating sometimes. Apart from this, the overall blog is very informative and worth to follow.
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4. Slice of my Life
This is a blog written by Anita. The main page of the site has a very classic view containing the thumbnail of food items and an attractive heading with it. As the blog is old, the amount of content in this site is not much. As the name indicates, the blogger tries to share her experience and event happened to her related to recipe along with explaining the food item. Overall review of this blog can be termed as simple but catchy and beautiful.
5. Divine state
This is a blog written by Anushruti RK. It contains recipes of food items which not only help to fulfil our hunger needs but also appeal our taste buds. The main page of the blog has a beautiful classic look with a pink shade. The lucrative images along with description of menu is very tempting for viewers. In addition to this, content is written in story telling manner which makes it enjoyable for readers. This blog has section of different recipes and photography section as well.
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6. Spend with Pennies
This is a blog written by Holly from USA. This is very famous among cooking blogs. The blog layout is properly designed with appropriate space given to every part. It starts with large heading of the name of food item followed with images of it. This is continued with other food items. It has sections for recipes for every type of food item like soup, salad etc. The frequency of posting is 1 blog per day which is good for any cooking blog.
7. The stay at home Chef
This blog is updated by Rachel Farnsworth. The quality of recipes shared here is world class which means that it you can make international cuisines in your home easily. The look of the blog is simple and attractive. The content of this blog is filled with recipes which can be cooked in home. Different recipes have one photo at starting with a brief description which on clicking will lead you to section where you can find the whole recipe. Proper designated sections are there for different type of cuisines which make it unique. One blog is uploaded weekly making it famous among cooking enthusiast.

8. Serious Eats
The founder of the “Serious Eats” blog is Ed Levine. Blog is having proper description of kitchen equipment’s, kitchen tips, ingredients apart from the cooking recipes. It also contains videos of small techniques used in kitchen making it more informative. Along with all these features, it contains filter option from which can filter recipes on the basis of dish type, ingredients, cuisine, method, diet and season making it different from other blogs. One drawback of this blog is continuous advertisements are going on which may irritate the user.
9. Smitten Kitchen
This blog is maintained by owner and author of cookbook Deb Perelman. Here we can find recipes which are famous all over the world. Layout of this site simple with photos and description along with it. We can find rating with each recipe making it easier to select according to popularity. We can browse by category like season, ingredient etc. Smitten Kitchen has recipes that has ingredients available in local stores easily making it famous among home makers. Books and videos are also uploaded in the blog which is helpful for many recipes.

10. Simply Recipes
As the name suggest, Simply recipes blog contains recipes which are easy to make or if it is difficult, it is explained in very easier manner in this blog. The layout of this blog is quite catchy with filter option on the main page. Through this filter, we can select recipes on the basis of course, cuisine, ingredients etc. which is available in very less blogs. It posts 2 blogs per day making it very content filled blog. The recipe in this blog is non-vegetarian. Content quality in this blog is very good with proper description.
These were some good cooking blogs which can be followed to improve your cooking skills and knowledge.