What A Girl Wants In Her Future Husband?

What A Girl Wants In Her Future Husband?

In this article we are going to talk about the What a girl wants in her future husband? The dream of every girl from childhood onwards is to see herself in a wedding dress! Marriage is actually a fairy tale dream come true moment for every girl. Every girl wants her partner to treat her like a queen. More than guys, girls plan and foresee their dream wedding even before they are not committed. She expects her to be in that gorgeous bridal attire and have a perfect wedding. Moreover, she wishes her partner to that perfect guy whom she always wanted to like in the movies. Falling in love and getting committed and finally taking life into another level through marriage is a greater process.

For a girl, it takes a lot of courage to think of her into that position. She goes through a lot of emotions to finally taking that big decision of her life. Even though future is unseen for everyone, she too foresees her future to be happy and blissful and everlasting too. Therefore, when finally she decides to take that step in her mind, there occur a lot confusion in her mind about her future life with her husband. She has that emotional turmoil in her heart, where she is totally worried how that dream would actually look like in the reality. She wants her future partner to be  someone who always be there for her and wants to treat her like a gentleman. More than a commitment, it is a bond which must be there for till death throughout each other’s thick and thin.

Before taking any relation into its next level, the thing that one should remember is, are you ready for it? See, every relationship has its ups and down and moreover it cannot be as beautiful as you expect as in movies. In a relationship to get along, the bond between the two is really an important factor. For a girl, when she finally gets ready to be married, she always wants her partner and his family to accept her with the love and care that she deserves like her parents did. So if you are a guy ready to get married, there are a lot of things you must take care of and understand beforehand.

A girl had a lot of expectations from her future husband. It must be pretty good if you know little things about relationships before finally getting married. Also since it is meant for ever, making it a beautiful journey comes with a lot of effort you both have to put into. More than a physical union of  two people it is a lifelong commitment both emotionally and spiritually. Growing up together through all the hard realities of life, you always wish to have a strong partner aside to strengthen you and grow up with the lessons you have been taught. Having united with that someone who always be by your side throughout this makes this journey more beautiful and happy eternally.

What a girl wants in her future husband?

To have a pleasant relationship with your partner, a guy must know the tips for what a girl really expects from her husband throughout a relationship. Here are a few ideas which you must always take care of in a relationship, especially when it is to be a long term commitment between each other.

1. Commitment


Lifelong commitment is something that every person aspires to in a relationship and so the girl too expects her husband to be committed to this lifelong bondage accepting all the flaws and taking care of her. If you have this feeling towards each other, then even if there comes a lot of struggle in your life journey, you always find each other and try to work out the problems going through in your life. Love is a decision for life long and if you always pay attention and believe in it you could always find ways to bind it together.

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2. Time


Not every relationship works well, but if you give enough time to find each other and know better it works well. Moreover, when you come into a relationship it needs to be taken care of well. You may believe that your partner will always be with you so you don’t have to pay much attention, but it is not really true. A relationship becomes successful when you spend time on each other. When you give attention to your partner by spending quality time, the other person may feel loved. One has to show how much you love by expressing it and making it work. Else it may be lost. So before too late, you must always try to find time for each other and also don’t forget to give each other your own quality time of being alone too, this too is an important part of leading a successful relationship.

3. Lots of communication

Lots of communication

Conversing with each other is a way of connecting together. A healthy communication with your partner helps you to deal with all the problems that both of you have. The one thing that you both have to keep in mind is that you are different individuals. So don’ t always expect your partner to be someone who follows your own way. Everyone has their own personal space. So the better way to stay in a strong bond is to speak up your likes and dislikes with each other and try to make a realization on each other’s personality. This will surely help you to get along well. Moreover, it helps you to avoid misunderstanding. Communication gaps always sucks your relationship, and therefore always have a good and healthy relationship with each other and make your bond stronger.

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4. Faithfulness


Being loyal to your partner is one of the foremost important factors that make a relationship successful. If your partner truly realizes the loyalty and faithfulness that you put into this relationship to make it work, it is the most heartwarming gesture you have done gratefully. This belief in your partner’s mind gives confidence emotionally and physically to totally investing to make this relation stronger and happier with you.

5. Sharing


Marriage becomes more beautiful when there is equal effort of sharing in life. Be it physical, mental or emotional, it puts a vibrant strength in nurturing your relationship with your spouse. Even a small act of helping hand while working or doing daily life chores could make your partner. Don’t act like an egoistic partner who shows off his male chauvinistic attitude towards her mostly when it comes to house hold works or wifely duties. Be there for her and give a helping hand in need and share your life mess equally. Moreover, when you open up with your partner and share your woes and worries, she could comfort you or help you get over the trouble and also she expects the same from you back too.

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 6. Trust


The foundation of every relationship lies in trust. It is difficult to get it back if you once break the trust. When you are true and honest to your partner, whatever the situation be, for sure she will be there with you whatever the matter is and be your pillar of strength. So never break her trust, it may create cracks in your relationship which may set you apart forever.

7. Support


Your partner too is an individual with lots of dreams and ambitions in your life. Like she believes in herself, she too wants her partner to support her and back her up to reach her aim into fulfillment. Reassuring and encouraging her when she needs you the most makes her stronger and love you completely.

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8. Compromise


There may be times when life puts you in a lot of troubles and fights between you, but yelling at each other or stepping back from each other doesn’t make an end to the problems. Sometimes letting it go comes the only option to move on and bring back your relationship lively. So at times, forgiving each other makes you stronger in your relationship.

9. Respect


A girl always yearns for respect from the other person. In the patriarchal world, where she is always denied all the strength and support for her qualities, she always wants to be respected and accepted by everyone and mostly from her husband. She always wants the same respect that she pours onto you, to return back.

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10. Affectionate


Some guys hold back to show their affection, love and care. Girls always feel good when you express your feelings and emotions outwardly. Holding back your feelings does not do any good, rather show her that you want her badly. Also she loves it when you pamper her a lot. More than any kind of great expensive gifts or surprises she always loves cute ways of showering her with love and little gifts. Give a good compliment or be there with her during her great achievements or when she is too low. Handle her problems as yours and care for her well being by a small act of love which makes her always happy and more into your world making it a blissful paradise.

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