Benefits of waste management

benefits of waste management

The benefits of waste management are discussed here in this article. Wastes are anything that are unwanted or unusable to anyone. When we buy anything and then use it primarily, it becomes of no use. This is then converted to waste. A waste material can be anything which is used completely, or is defective, or is worthless or is of no use. Waste product is of value zero. There are various examples of wastes. Some of them are municipal solid waste, surface runoff, radioactive waste, hazardous waste, water waste like faces and urine, etc. Waste comes in different forms. They can be categorized in various ways.

Some of the types of wastes are domestic waste, bulky waste, dog waste, green waste, grey waste, clinical waste, ship disposal waste, residual waste, sewage,  radioactive waste, organic waste, mixed waste, metabolic waste, medical waste, marine waste, kitchen waste, industrial waste, household waste, e-waste, chemical waste, agricultural waste, biomedical waste, composite waste, inert waste, etc. these wastes are very harmful to our environment . They should be managed properly . waste can be harmful for human being. Managing waste is healthier for both human and the earth. It can be used wisely to keep the earth clean and healthy. Them main reason of increasing the waste products is over population.

What are the benefits of waste management?

Proper waste management can eliminate waste and minimize the intensity of greenhouse gases. Less methane and carbon monoxide in the air is good for the atmosphere. These harmful gases are emitted by wastes but recycling and reusing can reduce the impact. Recycling of the wastes can also help to reduce the amount of fossils fuels, as well as existing incineration and landfills, helping to create greener and cleaner atmosphere for all.  It is not possible to save the planet if each and every person on the planet don’t participate in it individually. Some of the benefits of waste management are discussed below:

1. Waste management is profitable deal

There is a journal published on waste management by waste management department which says the waste management revenue is US$ 3.97 billion. Waste management can be considered as an industry . But due to lack of proper consideration people don’t know about this industry. Recycling and reusing can be very useful if practiced can be a good business if invested properly. Government is forcing the industries to manage their wate products. So, various industries are looking for such waste industries to work with. They are even ready for long term investment with the industries to manage their waste.

2. Reduces environment pollution

Waste are the major pollution creator. Waste management if done properly can be beneficial for the environment. Actually, waste management is done for the protection of environment and reduction of pollution. Most of the gases which are responsible for pollution in the environment are originated from the waste products of the environment. Mostly air pollution, water pollution are the outcomes of the waste materials. Huge amount of waste products collected at a place can harm the soil of the portion where it is kept. The air gets polluted due to bad odours of those products. Managing the wastes present in the water resources can help to keep the water resources clean. Harmful gases like methane, carbon monoxide which is emitted from the wastes are also controlled by waste management.

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3. Biological reprocessing

Materials like paper products, food scraps and plant materials can be recovered. These organic materials can be recovered by composting and by the process of digestion to decompose. The final materials obtained are useful for agricultural process. Methane gas can produce electricity. So, the gases like methane obtained from waste can be used to generate electricity and heat energy at high output. The main scope of biological reprocessing in waste management is to increase the natural process of decomposition of the organic materials in the environment. Biological processing is done on natural mand organic materials which are obtained from plants and animals.

4. Good for earning money

Waste management can help you earn money. Actually, there are many companies in the world which pays to people for their wastes. Like cold drinks companies will pay you back for returning the bottles after the use. Used bottles, used tin cans, etc. are collected daily and sent back to the industries instead the companies pay them back for that materials. Various e-wastes are also collected. You can keep this as a part time job to return the materials to the industries and get paid instead.

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5. Good for environment

This is the most profitable aspect of waste management. This can be said to be the main reason to manage the waste material present in the environment. Waste management keeps the environment fresh and neat. Wastes can cause severe diseases if not managed properly. Waste management can keep people healthy and diseases-free. Public places can be waste free which will make people more comfortable to spend their quality time in the open and fresh air. Waste management can be useful for saving the green house. It stops the degradation of the environment. There are proper disposal techniques to perform this.

advantages of waste management

6. Thermal decomposition of the materials

This process is used to convert different types of industrial and domestic residues into recovered fuel. Those different types of wastes include plant wastes, animal waste, paper waste, food wastes. It is a thermochemical process of decomposition of the organic materials by mean of heat in the complete absence of oxygen. This decomposition produces various hydrocarbon gases. This process is called pyrolysis. Pyrolysis totally depends on temperature. So, the rate of pyrolysis increases with temperature. Different gases and charcoals. It converts the waste biomass into liquid fuel. This can produce fuel when performed with plastic and wood waste. The solid remaining are also advantageous .Solids obtained are coke, charcoal, metal, glass, etc. This process is less harmful then other thermochemical processes. This process can be expensive to perform but it is beneficial for the environment.

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7. Recovery of the resources

This is general process for recovery of the resources. Those resources can be economical, social, environmental, etc. this process is cost effective compared to other. It decreases the amount of waste for disposal. Also, this can be used to save space in the landfills and conserve the natural resources. Resource recovery process uses life cycle analysis attempts for the alternatives of waste management. Various municipal solid waste can be use to produce fertilizers and other organic materials. Economic efficiency can be improved through the means of resource use. Recycle plays very important role in maintaining recovery of resources process effectively. It can be a source of employment and other new business opportunities in some developing countries. It can improve the air, water and soil quality by minimizing resource extraction. For resource extraction reducing reusing and recycling is used in a convenient way.

8. Awareness about the planet

The population is increasing rapidly. It seems the earth will not be able to support life if the population goes on increasing in the same ratio. But we can save the planet and make it able to support life for some more time. Waste management is the most important factor to consider for saving the planet. Managing the waste can teach a lesson to the upcoming generation to protect the environment by the mean of waste management. For better awareness we can involve them from the early age and let them practice the saving of the planet. They can follow the waste management and can save the planet to forward it to their generation and can hopefully sustain life on it.

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9. Energy consumption

There are different types of wastes. Some of them are the waste products which were obtained from the natural. Natural resources such as trees, animals, soil, etc are also use for production of material which later turns into waste and is thrown. So, these wastes can be managed by recycling and reusing the material again and again. Managing these types of waste can conserve the waste and lower the consumption of earthly resources to generate new products of same kind. By this method, we can use the recycled material to create a new rather that again creating a new from the natural resource. Recycling is cheap and requires less efforts in comparison to creating new. Also, it needs very less amount of energy for completion of it. The output which we obtain is good for use and environment friendly to use.

10. Gives job and employment

Waste management can be beneficial to human beings in various aspects. One of them is the economical aspect. Waste management can create employment opportunities. For managing the waste materials, a huge amount of labouring is also required. For labouring, people are hired. This creates jobs. It requires participation of people from collection of the waste to the final management. Very step of waste management requires involvement of man power. For every step few people are assigned. Collectively, a large number of people are given jobs for the work to be done. Various social organizations are working for waste management by forming their own team. Everywhere involvement of people is required. So, these were some benefits of waste management discussed above.

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