How to make someone feel guilty for hurting you?

How to make someone feel guilty for hurting you

Read this article to know that how to make someone feel guilty for hurting you? : Guilt is a very powerful word that has a strong meaning. It is something which he people are in need of from the others. The actual meaning of feeling guilty is that you realize the mistake you have done to another person by hurting them physically or mentally and you accept your mistake and you need that person to forgive you for it. Basically, feeling guilty is nothing but regretting the action by which you had to hurt another person. This is a mentally which almost everyone is following in the society nowadays.

No one is ready to accept their own mistake and they want other to realize it as their mistake and must feel guilty about it. Also, there are situations where a person hurts you by all means but pretends to act as if nothing has happened. This is a condition that makes us very angry and we get a feeling of taking on that person. But, instead of running behind to take revenge on that person, there are a lot of methods by which you can make that person feel guilty of what they have done to you.

How to make someone feel guilty for hurting you?

Here are a few ways by which you can make a person feel guilty for the hurt they have done to you:

1. Understand your pain

This is the most important thing which you must take care in making a person fell guilty. First of all, you yourself must clearly understand the way in which he/she has tried to hurt you. Think about the harsh and impolite talks they did to you, physical attacks if any, abusive words they used to you. It must not reach a situation in which you have put forward a false allegation towards them or who are cursing them for a thing which they are not a part of. Therefore, it is very necessary to understand the hurt caused by them to you.

Each and every thing they did to you should be remembered by you and you should have the courage to speak up against to them. They will try to counter you with many points. Still you must respond to them back and must make them feel that whatever you are saying about them is true and you are not saying any lie. Hence, it is very important that you understand the situation.

2. Express your emotions

Another vital factor for this is expression of emotions. If a person has spoken to you in a harsh manner and you are not at all happy about the way he/she spoke to you, you must show in your reaction and behavior towards them. They should get a feeling that they have done something wrong just by the expressions shown in your face. You can do this by not paying attention whenever they speak or trying to avoid them as much as you can. Such reactions will definitely create a feeling in their mind which makes them ponder about the mistakes and harsh words they have used against you. If you continue this attitude for a longer time, the person will get feeling that they gave done a big mistake and there is a big chance for them to come and apologize to you. Therefore, it is a very important to show your emotion of getting hurt.

3. Give respect take respect

This is another important point to take care while making a person feel guilt. If a person starts to behave with you with disrespect or tries to give you very less importance, treat them the same way back. Do not give them much importance. Also, try to avoid them whenever you can. Once the person notices the change in your behavior, there is a high chance for the person coming and asking about your attitude change towards them. At that moment, you can clearly explain to them about their change in behavior and attitude towards you.

If that person is a one who is ready to accept their own mistake and is ready to stop it, there is a high chance of them feeling guilty about what they did. Hence, it is very important for you to only give back the same amount of respect and gratitude as they are giving it to you.

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4. Good side of yours

The most important thing to take care while making someone else feels guilty for what they have done to you is by reminding them about the good things and helps and you did for them. You are obviously on the right side and there will be many good things you did for them. They have forgotten all the good things you did to them and are behaving in a wrong manner. You must make them realize the good side of yours. When they had no one to help them, it was you stood up and went to help them. You must make sure that they realize the good deeds and should get a feeling that in spite of all this helps, still they have hurt you. This will surely create a sense of guilt in the mind of the person.

how to make him feel guilty for hurting you

5. Way of talking

This is yet another strong point which you must keep in mind while you are trying to make a person feel guilty. You should first of all have all the points ready with you which you are going to tell the person about. Your points should be valid and the person should get a feeling that whatever you are imposing on that person is true and he/she is responsible for such harsh mistakes they have done to you. This will make the person surely think more about the incident and it will come to a conclusion where the person has understood the mistake he has done to you and is feeling guilty about it. Therefore, it is very necessary to be precise on the way you talk and make the person realize about the hurting which he/she has done to you.

6. Attention seeking

This is a method which is mostly practiced by almost all people nowadays. There is a slight change when it comes to making others feel guilty about what they did. Try to get the attention of the person who tried to hurt you. You can do this in various ways. It is an obvious factor that the person who hurt you will not care about you what you feel about it or what is your reaction to it. Therefore, you must try to get the attention of the person who hurt you so that he will realize that you are somehow affected with it. He starts to think more deeply about you and the part which he did that made you get hurt. These thoughts can and will provoke that person and he/she will feel guilty about the mistakes they did. Hence, it is very necessary to seek the attention of the person who tried to hurt you.

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7. Talk to their face

This is most effective and strongest method in which you can make a person feel guilt for hurting you. When a person is behaving with you in a wrong manner, you must have the courage to talk back to them at that moment itself. There are chances that the person is putting a false allegation on you and is blaming you for that cause. If you respond to them at that very moment itself with valid points to counter his allegations, he/she will realize that you have not done any mistakes on your side and they will surely feel guilty about what they did.

8. Make the same situation

This also is a strong way in which you can make a person feel guilty about what they have done to you. Once you are hurt by a person, you have a clear understanding what the person has done to you which made you feel hurt. Try to create a same situation for that person by asking your friends to coordinate with you. Once you feel that the person is also hurt, go and talk to him/her and explain to them how you had felt when they did the same thing to you before. This is one of the strong methods by which you can make a person feel guilty for hurting you.

how to make her feel guilty for hurting you

9. Logical approach

Another important factor which you must keep in mind while making a person feel guilty for what they have done to you is approaching the situation with logic. After the person has behaved to you in a wrong manner, you must think with your logical side upon what made the person behave like that to you. Maybe the person is mentally disturbed due to personal reasons. If that’s the case, then there is a very low need for you to take revenge. If not, you must make the person realize about the disappointment he made on you by talking to him with logic and sense.

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10. Attitude

This is the one of the most important part which you must keep in mind. When the person is trying to hurt your feelings for no reason, you must give him back an attitude like you do not even care whatever he/she says and you have given them least importance. This will surely affect the confidence of the person. He/she will start to get a feel that no matter whatever they say, you are least bothered about it. This will start making them think whether they are doing a mistake. Like this, you can create a sense of guilt in the mind of the person who is trying to hurt you.

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