In this article we are going to talk about the Why we should have faith in God? The power beyond human mind and human being is known as ‘God’. Provides rational support to faith and believe in God. People believe God’s power is beyond their imagination. They are the most powerful ones. It is believed that God gives us good fruits of good deeds and bad fruits of bad deeds. Most of the people among us have a fear of God, that is the reason they do not do anything bad, they believe in God and thinks if they will do something bad God will punish them. People respect God, as they believe in them and in their power. Basically, God’s existence is self-evident and requires no proof. God not only creates, but also protects. God has the perception of past, present and future.
Why we should have faith in God?
Behind the existence of everything and everybody there is God. For example- the plant grows, people say that it grows due the nutrition which it get through soil, but here the question arises that from where the nutrition come in soil? The answer is that there is God, who is behind the existence of everything. God fullfils the emotional need of people. But there are some people too who do not have faith in God, they do not believe in existence of God. Here are top 10 reasons that why should we have faith in God-
1. Strengthens us to face difficult times

Some people say that they do not believe in God. But the people who believe in the existence of God knows about the strength God provides us. We have seen people around our surrounding remembering God and praying to them in their tough times. For example- if someone is in admitted in the hospital their relative prays to God to save them, if people get stuck in any situation they remember God, if people get confused regarding things they remember God etc. People remember God in their tough times because they believe that God will give them strength.
The faith we people have in have in God, provides us strength to fight our challenges, to face all the difficulties in our life etc. Remembering God in tough times makes us feel some strength, we know that if we have faith in them then, they will always provide an internal power to us which would always help us.
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2. God is the moral governor

People who even do not believe in God will accept this that God is the moral governor. As the people who do have faith in God believes that God is watching them and their activities. That is the reason many people do not do anything bad, as they do have the fear that God is watching and if they do anything wrong they can be punished. Due to the faith in God, people walk on right path rather than the wrong one.
God governs us to walk on a moral path, so we must have faith in him. As due to him only, there are still many people who are not doing anything wrong or doing anything just for their benefit. God has still balanced the nature and surrounding around us. So, we must have faith in him.
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3. God is far more powerful than human beings

We all must agree to this that god has more power, in fact the power of God is beyond our imagination. The power of God is something we cannot imagine. The power of God is unlimited, where as the power of human is limited.
God is the one who has created the world, the earth, stars, mountain, rivers etc. Thou, there are people who says that behind the creation of all these there are some other reasons and facts but do anyone ever realised that from where those facts and reasons came, it arose due to God. So, we should must have faith in God as he is the creator of the world, of human beings, we should respect them and have believe in them.
4. Faith in God is the foundation of salvation

Salvation basically means liberation of soul. If we will have faith in God then we can purify our soul, we can feel the reality of life, we can understand that the outer world is nothing because everything is inside us.
Many people like Aurobindo Ghosh after spending a lot of time in their work and violent activities realised that there is no use of anything whatever he is doing as at the end his body will destroy. So, he just wanted that he find salvation and then his faith in God increased day by day. He found peace in life and wrote many spiritual books. So, we all should have faith in God as it is the foundation of salvation.
5. Our faith in God can encourage others

We all know that if a person have something good in him\her than that thing can encourage others too. If that person has a true and strong believe regarding something it will automatically encourage the other person,
Similarly, if we have faith in God, we believe in their existence and if our believe is true and strong it would definitely encourage other people too, to believe in them. Seeing our confidence and believe in God other people would realise that there is something about God, which made the others so confident about him. So, then that feeling will definitely encourage them to have faith in God.
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6. Faith in God, provides us peace

The world outside is changing day by day, everyone is involved in their own world. No one thinks about one another. The external world has disturbed our mind, it has just jumbled our mind. So, everyone of us needs peace.
We all want to relax our mental state and provide peace to our mind. Having faith in God is the best and natural way of providing ourselves peace. Just praying to God, sharing your stuffs with him makes you feel better. We all know that a peaceful mind is always happy. Peace provides us harmony and key of it is having faith in God. This is the reason we all must have faith in God.
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7. God provides us the best way to live life

Each one of us want to live a better life and when we see someone having a good lifestyle we want to have it too and once we have that lifestyle we live happily. But lifestyle according to something and living live life in the best way is different.
God is the one, who provides us the best way to live life. People who have faith in God, always try to follow them. They read and learn about the life of Gods either it’s of Lord Rama or Jesus. They learn about their lifestyle, their sacrifices etc. which is full of selflessness. People get motivated due to them and try to follow their God and it makes them a better person, their life changes. The faith in God provides them to live a better life. So, we all must have faith in God, as it will always be beneficial for us.
8. There are proofs of God’s existence

People say they do not believe in God as there is no proof of God’s existence. But the reality is that there are various and infinite proof of his existence.
There are various scriptures, symbols etc. present from ancient era or actually before ancient era whose formation is yet not found. So, here it is the clear proof of existence of God. God’s existence can be also felt by revelation, which is already felt by very few people like Ram Krishna Param Hans etc. As they are the pure hearted people, who have enormous faith in God. So, each one of us have faith in God as their existence is also been proved.
9. Manifestation of God through various forms of nature

Indian wisdom says that even plants have God and even every living being is part of God. Plants are also being worshiped like Tulsi, Banyan etc. Plants do have their medicinal properties which is beneficial for us humans. Even in our Indian culture we worship animals like Cow, snake etc.
People pray Sun, rivers, mountains etc. because these all are equally important for a human life to survive. This is all due the faith in God. If a person who believes in God, he\she will always believe in existence of God in every living being. So, the manifestation of God through various forms of nature makes us realise that we should have faith in God, as he is the one who has provided us these all.
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10. God is the operator of the universe

The universe in which we are living, the galaxy, the solar system all are created by God. He is the creator, generator and operator of this universe. Everything is managed by him. Do anyone ever thought about that how all this system of universe is working? Why it has not yet collapsed? It is all due to the existence of God and the blessings of God.
We all are watching every day that the sun rises at time and sets at time, earth revolves on it’s axis, the harmony and order in which the planets are revolving at it’s fixed orbit etc. are very well balanced and managed, it do not collapse. It is due the enormous power of God. So, we must have faith in God as he is the one who has created us and the universe in which we are living.
11. God enlightens us
Having faith in God benefits us in various ways. Lord Mahavir and Lord Budhha are ones, who put all their faith in God and meditated God for days, at the end they were enlightened.
Faith in God gives us a different and internal power which helps us many aspects. Mediation, yoga etc. are the methods to experience God which provides us bliss and peace. In every aspect and method to make yourself feel better or to live a better life, God’s way is the best one. So, we all should have faith in God.