In this article we are going to talk about the How to ask a girl if she is interested in a relationship? Falling in love is a blissful moment in life. A relationship has a great influence on you, personally and mentally too. But falling in love and getting that love back is something that is greater than one sided love. There may be times when you are so much into a person and yearning for that love to get back. You do every filmy thing into action in order to get back that love. So the thing is love cannot be mutual all the time. Rather it can be one sided also.
Getting the requited love that you wish to have in your mind is some blessing by God’s grace. Not everyone can have that luck. You can see many people around you who are married and living a perfect life, but do you really think they are happy? The answer may be ‘no’, not everyone is happy in their relationship, moreover in a married life when there no longer exists a drop of love, it finally turns into a relationship in order to satisfy either the society or the family members. Therefore, one must always realize falling for each other and sharing that love together is not an easy task.
The very first thing when you fall for someone is consent is really important. Love is not something that can be bought from the market. Rather it is a feeling and understanding intertwined with each other. You cannot force someone to love you back, moreover, you cannot make a condition with someone that one must love you this much or something like that. When there is equal understanding and sharing with one another, a relationship can be built together. Therefore, you must be patient on this path of searching for love. Don’t expect anyone to love you back like the same way you feel. Every person is different and therefore not everyone can be like you.
So if you are someone who is deeply in love with a girl, remember, not every love has a happy end and don’t expect every proposal as a big ‘yes’ for. It is a really personal choice with whom you want to have a life with, you cannot expect the same heavy heart of love to be the same by someone whom you love deeply. Every love in return is different. When a girl talks to you doesn’t mean that she is into you, she may be thinking of you as her most favorite friend or a kind supporter she wished to have.
Before openly declaring your love to her, give it a thought at it carefully because you actually don’t want to ruin the true relationship that you already share. So always make sure that you are doing the right thing by acknowledging your love to her. Understanding a girl is not an easy task for guys, so be careful while expressing your love to someone. Moreover, you must take care of her thoughts too and what she likes and dislikes the most and prepare a good thought before taking your move to let her know your love.
How to ask a girl if she is interested in a relationship?
Here are some cute little ways to let her know how you feel for her and understand if she is interested in you too.
1. Friendly talk

The best thing to get to know whether she is interested in you is through becoming her friend. Most of the girls open up their feelings with their friends and if you are somebody who can take that place in their mind, you could easily understand her emotions, whether she is in a relationship or is she ready to have a relationship or what she thinks about being in a relationship etc. So try to know more about her thoughts and the things she expects from a relationship. And when you reach a point where you are totally confident about her and the bond you share, peacefully talk about your feelings without giving her a rush into the need of jumping into a commitment process easily.
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2. Ask her out

If you are ready to take the relationship to a next level as more than a friend or a stranger, ask her out to have some chai talks. If she is surely interested in you, she would not mind coming out with you to have a sip of a cup of tea. Or at least you can hope there is something cooking up in her mind as a friend or may be more than a friend. So give her the hint that you like her while you’re having a happy conversation with her. Also show her your sincerity towards the relation that you both share and assure her that by respecting that space.
3. Keep in touch

The best thing you can do about whether she is interested in you is getting in touch with her every now and then. Be it a phone call or a text message or drop by her way, talk to her and find how everything is going on or ask her how her day was, to make sure she was fine all the day. If she is really interested in you, she would surely find pleasure in talking with you or chit chatting with you about the things going on with her and around her, if not she would for sure avoid you or won’t show interest in the conversation. From her attitude, you must understand if she is really into you or not.
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4. Cares you

You may find it a bit difficult to understand a girl’s behavior. But if she is truly into you though she acts weirdly, she cares for you dearly. She may make sure that you are fine and she does little things that make you happy. Also only if she finds that you are true to her, she completely takes too much attention to do things like you wish. If she finds you really comfortable around you, reveal your emotions to her.
5. Make time to be with you

Girls are totally different when it comes to expressing their feelings. When boys are upright about their feelings and stuff, girls approach each other in different ways to show their emotions. When she likes you, she makes more and more excuses to be with you and spend quality time and you don’t even actually know that she actually likes you back. Even when you are surrounded by your friends, she may even come to have a chit chat with them so that she too can have a glimpse of conversation with you. Understand this move, and approach her kindly to speak up to her by using this comfort zone.
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6. Social Media

If you find it difficult to talk to her directly, use social media platforms to have a conversation with her. Start a friendly conversation with her and tell her that you really love talking to her and ask her how she feels back. The online platform will reduce a lot of pressure and lack of confidence to approach her. So it really helps to have an initial conversation with her and also to talk to her freely.
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7. Family

For girls family matters above all, so if you have a chance to get to know her family that would be good. Show respect to them, which also enhances the current bond that you both have. Make a good impression on her family and create opportunities to make them speak well about. This would have a better impression of you in her. And then finally approach her telling her that you would like to have her hand in marriage. Though it is a quick step to ask her, every girl wants a committed long term relationship. So give her time to think.
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8. Eye contact

Like mentioned before, girls are different in showing what they actually feel for someone who she really loves. Body languages are some common signs that could make you aware of what she really likes. Giving a smile of glimpse towards you all the time is one such example that she longs for you. Gazing at you with a sense of affection is a subtle way of showing her emotion towards you. If you find her finding a chance to have a glimpse of you, she is really interested in you. Be confident in her and talk to her about your feelings.
9. Propose

If you are confident enough to express your feelings directly, proposing to her would be the best thing to do. So wait for the right time and space to be with her and express her with your emotions and feelings that you have inside you. Genuinely tell her what you really feel for her. Even if it is a yes or a no, deal with that positively. Believe in yourself, at least you ought to have the courage to express your love to her. It would reduce the burden on you. If you keep on hiding your emotions it would completely suck you, but this would at least make you feel better if you open up your feelings with her.