How Can I Learn English By Myself?

How Can I Learn English By Myself?

In this article we are going to talk about the How can I learn English by myself? Learning a new language seems like learning to speak all over again. And this time, there isn’t even the need or curiosity to learn for making ourselves understood. When we were little, we try learning by listening to our elders and speaking just like they speak. We need to learn to speak so that people can understand what we are trying to say. Also, children are comparatively more curious to learn more and more things about the world they live in, but as we grow up we leave this curiosity behind and just understand the things we absolutely need to know and leave it at that.

How can I learn English by myself?

Learning a whole new language can be very difficult. It is a long and tedious process. We need to stay determined and not give up after getting frustrated. It becomes even more difficult when we try to learn it on our own. Without a teacher, we may be very confused about the whole process. The biggest obstacle can be the beginning; where should you start? We may get frustrated but once we get the hang of it, it is just like our mother tongue and it may not seem that difficult anymore. Moreover the feeling of achievement when you have learnt a whole language on your own is tremendous. So here are a few pointers that might come handy if you are trying to learn English on your own.

1. Plan


Nothing can work without having a plan drawn. A plan helps you avoid confusion about the track you’re going on to teach yourself. Once you start writing down your plan for the whole process, you get an overview of what is coming your way and you also get a sense of determination to complete your plan. So, before actually starting, draw a plan for how you want to go about the whole learning process. Along with the process, also set a target of the time period in which you want to finish off each step of your plan. Once drawn, hang or paste your plan somewhere you can see passing by all day. If you see your plan every day, it will not let your determination go down.

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2. Don’t rush

Don't rush

Don’t try to rush the process of learning English. You are learning something you are not at all familiar with so don’t go too hard on yourself. Take it easy and you wouldn’t even realise when you are through the whole thing. Rushing things will only make you more confused and end up taking more time than anticipated. If you take things at your own pace, you will comfortable and actually enjoy the learning part. It can be very interesting but if you try to rush through it, you will find it even more difficult than it already is. Don’t rush and a fun learning experience.

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3. Expand your vocabulary

Expand your vocabulary

The first thing you should start with while learning English is to know words. You can’t form sentences or learn about the rules of spoken and written English if you don’t have the words to express yourself. Try to expand your vocabulary as much as you can. If you come across a word that you would like to know the meaning of then write it on the palm of your hand or a small notepad and search the meaning of it when you have time, try to remember it too. After getting a hang of basic words, try to learn synonyms and antonyms of those simple words. You can make your English even better when you know several words having the same meaning. Don’t get scared of the length of the words or their pronunciation, practice it a few times and you will be perfect at it.

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4. Read


The activity that can increase your knowledge of a language is to read. Read as much as you can. At first, it will take time to read each and every word but with time, you’ll get better and start reading faster. Don’t rush through reading; read each and every word clearly and make meaning out of the sentences. Note down the words you don’t understand and search for their meaning. After some time, you will be able to understand the meanings of some words just through the context. Your vocabulary will increase and you will get to know about the rules of sentences. What tenses to use, what adjectives are used for which subjects and many more concepts that you learn theoretically, will be noticed while reading and you will their better understanding.

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5. Watch


Reading can increase your vocabulary, but you cannot know the pronunciation of the new words you have learnt through reading. You can search for it on the internet too but when you are not reading, you can watch English content. There is a lot of content out there in English language. There are so many TV shows that you can watch, it is learning in the form of entertainment. You can watch them with subtitles in the starting but once you start understanding fast spoken English, you can watch them without the help of subtitles.

Watch shows, movies or news in English to get a better understanding of how to pronounce certain words and where to use them in real life. You would also get to know a lot of slang words but don’t get them confused with formal English. Watching has a better impact on our brains and you will learn to speak English fluently.

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6. Listen


Just like reading and watching, listening also has a great impact on our brains. You can listen to audiobooks or news on radio to increase your understanding of English language. Just like watching, listening will also increase your understanding of pronunciations and usage of words in the right place and in the right manner. Listening also takes less time and is more convenient than watching and reading. You can listen even while commuting. Listening to English music would increase your fluency a lot.

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7. Read aloud

Read aloud

Reading is a great habit that everyone should try to develop. It has just one drawback that you don’t know how to pronounce new words for which there is watching and listening. Once you get a hang of spoken English, you can try reading books or newspaper aloud. This will help you build fluency in spoken English and you will also learn all the spellings of difficult words. Any word that you still cannot pronounce, you can refer from the internet and remember the meaning and pronunciation of that word. Read aloud as if there is an audience listening to you. At first, you might feel nervous or stupid while reading aloud alone in a room, but the amount of benefits it will provide to you makes it all worth it.

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8. Flashcards


This can seem childish to use flashcards as a grown up, but for learning a whole new language you need to consider yourself as a child and start learning from the basics. Flashcards can be of great help as they give the basic understanding of words and visual representation would help you to understand and remember the words better. Visual representation can be very helpful. We remember things very vividly when we see them from our own eyes. So try using flashcards and hang the ones you find most difficult around the house. Seeing things again and again will imprint them on your mind and you would get a hang of it. Flashcards are used when you are trying to teach a child how to speak and read words, think of yourself as that child as learning a new language is just like learning how to speak.

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9. Write


Reading, watching and listening are very helpful for spoken English. But English is not all about only speaking. You should also know how to write the language to know the spellings and grammatical errors you are making often. You remember those things better that you write down and writing will make you even more fluent. Try writing at least one page every day and check for your own mistakes so that you know what mistakes you are making and try not making them again. You will also gain speed if you practice writing again. Writing has such an effect on our minds that once we write something down; we tend to remember it for a longer time as compared to just reading them once. You will remember the words and your English would be perfect in no time.

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10. Talk to yourself

Talk to yourself

We often talk to ourselves when we need to think things through. Try doing that in English. Talk to your close ones in English too. Spoken English can only be improved with time and practice and you can gain fluency only if you are talking in English in your everyday life. Try doing that and you will be perfect in no time. Try speaking to yourself in the mirror. Have conversations with yourself in English. You will get a hang of talking to people in English and you will gain fluency.

It will give you the confidence of using English as your main language while speaking. We have the most amount of conversations with ourselves, so you should talk to yourself in English; no one is there to judge you over it, so you can just be yourself and speak whatever and however you like and learn English along the way.

These are some of the pointers that you may find helpful while trying to learn English without any professional guidance.

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