In this article we are going to discuss about what you should do to protect your identity on internet? So that you can protect your identity while surfing internet. Our generation is growing so fast in every manner, either its economically or physically. Everyone wants to grow more and more but everyone don’t want to do hard work. Some also do smart work , for that mostly used source is mobile and laptops means the easiest way to learn everything sitting home. Yes almost everyone wants there life to be more comfortable so when you can get things as home then why to go out.
As we see there are so much information’s stored in a appliance but everything we can’t learn from the embedded information sometimes we have to move more to get things done. So for that most common source is being online either its browser or its social media. Everything have its own significance, which can comes out to be beneficial for us. Like we can get every information from browsers either its daily news or shopping, means starting from home work to business everything can be sorted by browsers. Similarly by social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp etc these apps makes our life so sorted that we can connect ourselves with any person living on this earth very easily and according to our convenience.
These things just make our life so sorted that we don’t need to move out more and also comes out to be beneficial for those who are of reserved nature, as everyone don’t have the same nature. As we always see everything have their own advantages and disadvantages so internet users also have to face such situations. No doubt it provide so much sources to us that can make our life comfortable but on the other hand it is not safe as well, if we don’t care about our privacy no else will going to keep a look on that.
Yes here we are talking about the identity we create on internet like for payments, social media friends, calling, searching things etc. So what do you think is it always safe. May or may not be it’s upon us, as if we take care then everything will be sorted . So here we will talk about some of the ways to protect our identity on internet easily.
10 Best ways to protect your identity on internet
Here is the list of best ways to protect your identity on the internet discussed below:
1. Make a privacy policy
As we see there are so many ways from where a hacker can enter your web or social sites very easily. This is possible when you don’t take care about your site, like you are just taking these things so lightly this can cause problems which can even cause a great loss. So to avoid these king od situation make a privacy policy or authentication wall, so that you can get an alert when anyone tries to peek into your profile. As this will not even block their access but also helps to get information from where you need an improvement. The most efficient way is using two wall authentication so that by chance if one wall got hacked then second wall can protect you in a better way. So always make a privacy policy according to your content and need of security.
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2. Use strong passwords
Most of the new users and those who don’t care they always use just a simple password like a name or just number. No that’s not the way you should keep your passwords. As hacking become easy when you don’t use any special character because hacking a mix password is difficult then hacking a normal name or number. As hacking is done mostly by peeking into the properties and making that easily accessible. So always try to keep strong passwords, as we mostly see some websites also keeps passwords criteria’s they are not for them, they are for us, so that our content is safe. So always make a password which is a mixture of letters, numbers, special characters etc. So that you can keep your information and content safe.
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3. Shred sensitive information
Almost everyone use internet for getting their works done either its payments or getting some agreement sometimes. Si always keep them safe or just shred them. Means once the work of that agreement or message is done just shred it. Never keep them too long because hacking them becomes easy when you use them less. As when something is not accessible for long time, the danger of being hacked increases. As that information can be used in illegal works too that can create problem for you as well as others, so always shred the sensitive information.
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4. Always change your passwords
As there are so much things that we share with our closed ones, but never share your passwords to anyone because there can be a chance where anyone from your close relation can backstab you. So never keep your password same as hacking of the same password becomes when you don’t care about that. As you can keep your things personal only when you know how to make changes in your passwords easily and properly. So never keep your password same, change them after a certain period of time.
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5. Verify validity of the email links before clicking
We are talking about hacking, but we are not clear with the thing what actually it is , so basically mostly used software for hacking is making a link and getting the proper username and password of the person you want. Means there are so many emails or links you get everyday like click on this and get a mobile or a car mostly these kinds of messages are fishing links which can destroy you from start to the end. So always check the email validity of the links you get so that you can realize whether its a real link or a fishing mail. Just think before you open something as you never knows what can happen the next minute. So avoid opening these kinds of links and never forward them as these kinds of links spreads fast.
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6. Be alert when using open Wi-Fi
No doubt that everyone wants a good speed public Wi-Fi because that’s the easy way to save your data and do your work in a convenient way, but we can’t deny the fact that open Wi-Fi are the best sources for the peeks of hackers in your websites and social media. As public Wi-Fi do not require a authentication which becomes easy for the hacker to steal your information easily without your knowledge. In some cases these types of open Wi-Fi also leads to unrestricted access to every kind or information like passwords, details, contacts etc. This is the worst part as they can use your identity for any kind of crime. So be aware before you connect your device to any of open Wi-Fi.
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7. Check HTTPS security when you enter any webpage
When you enter to any of the webpage just check the URL of that webpage. As that’s the best option that can save form any kind of theft, as mostly webpages are secured from the back end , means just check for the URL if it contains ‘http’ or ‘https’ that means it is safe your data can’t be retrieved by any other person but if it contains ‘http’, then that means its not safe for you, never enter any of the password or sensitive information in that page. Mostly tries to use the websites with ‘s’ in the http as that’s the most secure webpage URL, that sets a secure connection between the user and the browser.
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8. Use important documents when necessary
There are so many types of cards, information’s, passwords which we keep in a safe place it can also contains the payment or business deals, you have kept them in a safe place, so use that safe less or only when its too necessary. As when you keep your information in a safe place the danger of being hacked increases because when you will access them frequently then there maybe a chance that your any of the wall become unsafe, so just avoid these kind of attitude like its the safest place and i can use it anytime. No because that’s the thing the thief wants you to do, just use your sensitive data only when necessary.
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9. Don’t be fooled
As we talked about the fishing tools but there are so many other options which can create data loss to you. Like you got a call from a unknown number saying, you got a prize just give us your account details or password, even your otp, they just try to play with your feelings there you have to think before you do anything. Never share your bank details or messages with anyone, not even to your closed ones, as we can’t say anything. Don’t be fooled form these kind of fraud messages and calls, never listen to them just hang up or block them, this can save you from a great loss.
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10. Install protection
Always make sure that your device contains a antivirus or virus protection means just have something present in your device so that it can helps you to save your device from being hacked. As most of the times we avoid installing protection apps which can leads to bigger problems, installing these software are important as they keep your data safe and also keeps the bugs out of your devices. As there are so many things available in our devices which we don’t care about but these kind of software cares about them and helps to make our device protected.
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So these are some of the ways one can use to protect their sensitive information and identity save from any kind of theft and misuse. Just be alert before doing anything especially when you are online. Be safe and follow some precautions.