In this article we are going to talk about the 10 Best Tips for taking Photos. Photography is a film in which light and shadows are the lead actors. A picture is worth a thousand words and an expressive picture can be captured only through skilled photographers. Photography is an art which requires patience, courage and determination to capture the one perfect shot which can change the perspective of the entire world. Photos capture moments, actions and memories. Special shots are like a chest of gold precious and valuable which one carries forever in their hearts. Photography is defined as the art of capturing the light with a device called camera with the help of a digital sensor or film to develop an image. A camera and a talented photographer is capable enough to capture what human eyes cannot.
10 Best Tips for taking Photos
The best tips for taking photos are discussed below in detail:
1. Patience
Patience is always the key to success. The first and the foremost thing required in photography is patience. From capturing a 1-year old walking or running to getting just one perfect shot of a wild animal in the dense forest or at a lakeside, all it takes is patience. Take proper time to think what you want and how you want it. Do not just pick up your camera and start clicking without proper planning. Analyze the condition, the circumstances and the surroundings, look for proper lighting and the view that you aim for. Wildlife photography might even need a photographer to wait for days just to capture one shot that they desire. Hurrying to capture is your worst rival during photography. Having a set plan and line of action to capture will always aid to get an ideal capture.
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2. No Need of Expensive Gears
You don’t need a camera worth some lakhs to capture excellent shots. Today, using Smartphone which are handier and readily available can click amazing shots. For professional photographers, rather than buying expensive gears invest more on learning. Owning an expensive camera doesn’t really mean that you will accomplish your goal of taking ideal photos. Study some great photographers, their style and the knowledge they impart before taking a camera in your hands. Owning expensive gears doesn’t matters, what is more valuable is how well you master the methodology to use your gears. A photographer should be well versed such that he could setup his gears in no light. Make a smart choice before spending a single penny on the equipment you are going to use as per your need and not as per your greed.
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3. Background matters
Imagine a beautiful picture of yours with garbage in the background. It’s disgusting to even think about such images. A beautiful picture was ruined because of the background. What most of the people miss is the background and focus only on the main subject of the image which is being captured. A slight change in the angle of the photo can bring back the energy and liveliness of the photo. Every minor details matter while you are capturing some important moments which makes it necessary to look at the background carefully and observe how the flaws can be rectified before clicking a picture. Not only, the objects in the background matter but also the colors and shades as they can screw the entire picture if not taken into consideration as per the requirement of the picture.
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4. Lighting
What plays the most vital role to get a perfect shot? It’s the lighting. Good lighting is mandatory for photography either indoors or outdoors in order to achieve a quality photograph. Clicking a picture in low or faded lighting is a key factor in deteriorating the quality of a picture. How hard you try by capturing it various angles and with different perspectives but still some unwanted shadows depreciate the excellence of the picture. Different level of lighting is required for different views. Sometimes excessive light can reduce the essence of original colors. In order to get the perfect light changing the position of the subject or the photographer can be of great help. Natural light is the best source of light for an ideal shot.
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5. Flash
There are a number of confusions concerned with the flash of a camera. Flash can look very irritating and weird for indoor images. Avoid using direct flash as long as it’s not mandatory because it flattens the image, can cause red eyes and cast shadow of the objects in the background which are absolutely unwanted. Indirect flash can be of great help, meaning directing the flash on wall or roof which can brighten the place and doesn’t hamper the natural look of the image. This can be achieved with the help of an external flash because of more flexibility. One needs to recognize the maximum flash range of their camera flash as pictures clicked beyond the range will be too dark. Position the camera such that the flash is used within the range.
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6. Focus
Interesting photos include just one fascinating subject, capable of attracting ones attention. A blurry and unclear photos is not liked by anyone, concentrate over the focus to get the best results. The subject must be in the middle of the picture and if by any chance it is not the photographer needs to lock the focus in order to get a sharp picture. Most of the auto focused cameras focus on the centre but for better pictures one might need to move the subject away. Lock the focus on the position of the subject to avoid getting blurred pictures.
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7. Move Closer
If you are capturing a smaller object, then move a bit ahead towards the object before clicking the picture and zoom in on your object. This zooming will help you achieve better and more detailed pictures. Keep in mind to maintain a safe distance as going too close will make the picture blurry. The frame must be filled with the subject being captured and as a result you get enhanced pictures without much wasted space. Close up scan be great to capture face expressions and every minute details when clicking portraits. Choice of moving close depends upon the subject; it doesn’t apply to wildlife photography or sports etc.
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8. Depict a Story
Pictures aren’t only to capturing moments, they are captured to relive the moments after looking at them. A picture must not be clicked randomly without any goal or a strong perspective, such pictures lacks grace and beauty. A shot must be taken to portray a story. Once you get a glance of a picture you must feel the joy or the grief behind it. The picture must speak for itself; it should be expressive and must have a meaning. An image must not ruin the value of the scene that is being captured, the minute details, the objects and the background must be presented naturally.
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9. Keep it simple and real
Sometimes, even the best shot might not be the perfect one. There is a need to edit the photo that has been captured. Editing gives a final touch to the photo. Appropriate editing can give a neat and clear look to the photo as per the requirement. The editing should not be too much such that the original picture loses its own beauty and elegance.
Editing needs to be very professionally with software which has ample tools and features for the same. A professional photographer must not only learn the art of capturing pictures but also the post- processing of the image since they are captured to give them the exact desired look and appearance. Editing is the most difficult skill to ensure that the image quality, the important details and the key features of the image is not lost in the process so that the image looks realistic and simple.
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10. Practice
Everything becomes perfect with practice. Always try to capture shots with your camera if you aim to master this art. Keep you weapon with you all the time and ready to capture the special moments and occurrences around you. Initially, the shots won’t be as expected but later or sooner you will get what you want. Spend hours and hours with your camera capturing every aspect of life and society. Self-learning and exploring is the best tool to boost up your photography skills. Setting up the camera, deciding the lights, maintaining the brightness and darkness of the photo to be captured, the perfect angle, the perspective, the background and soon, making the right choices for the same can be made with this continuous process.
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Everyone starts as naïve but continuous effort and hard work paves the way to success and a never ending list of achievements and accomplishments. Photography is an art which involves a lot of research, planning, determination and hard-work to accomplish the mission of capturing the desired short. Deciding the right subject, brightness and contrast of lights, background, appropriate camera and gears, position of the photographer, angle of capturing and so on are the key factors playing a crucial role to grab the perfect shot. Patience and determination are needed the most to get such shorts. Let your pictures speak your language and the world enjoys hearing them.