In this article we are going to talk about the 10 Best Ways to Revise for Exams. Revision is extremely important. It gives an overview of what one has covered and what needs to be done further with respect to the syllabus and portions for the examination. It is crucial to understand that learning is a process and revision is simply a part of that process. It is normal to feel nervous and unprepared before an examination. However, there are numerous revision methods and techniques that can be used in order to revise all the topics once one has studied. A few of those methods are mentioned below.
10 Best Ways to Revise For Exams
The best ways to revise for exams are discussed below in detail here:
1. Make Flash Cards
This method can greatly aid quick last minute revisions. For this, one must make flashcards or cue cards with a question or a topic written on one side and the answer to the question or the topic explained behind. This only requires short notes or key words. One can use this to study with a friend by showing the question or topic and the other person explaining the answer or the theme being questioned. This can also be done alone and is a very effective method of revision, especially on the day of the exam where one has to go over the topics or concepts for a a quick revision.
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2. Mind Maps
It is very important to make associations between concepts and themes that need to be learned. One method of doing so is by making mind maps and flowcharts. This includes one central topic and those associated with it that revolve around that central idea or topic. For this, one has to be thorough with the major concepts and identify key words that can lead to the details of the concept. Once these keywords are identified, they can be connected and linked to each other. Thus, just by looking at a flow chart or a table, one can easily go over all the keywords and effectively revise the concepts. This method is extremely effective and can help go over points on the day of the examination or for last minute revisions.
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3. Mnemonics
Mnemonics is a memorising technique that has been widely popularised all across the globe. This memory aid uses word associations to memorise complex concepts. For example, while studying how to read music, in order to remember the five staff lines of the treble clef, a mnemonic has been devised, that is ‘Every Good Boy Does Fine’, which denote the five stave lines of the treble clef E G B D F. Mnemonic devices can easily aid revisions if complex concepts and topics need to be memorised. Another example of the use of mnemonics is ‘VIBGYOR’ which is a mnemonic for the colours of the rainbow; Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red. One can easily devise their own mnemonics based on their own preferences and the concepts that need to be memorised and this greatly aids revision, especially the night before or the day of the examination.
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4. Visualization
One method of memorizing and revising information is by visualizing it. For several students, visuals and images are more effective when it comes to retaining information. One can associate concepts, topics or pieces of information to a visual or an image and creating a mind map or a mental image. Thus, when required to recall, the association made with the image or the visual will help in the recollection of the information.
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5. Teaching
While revising, if one tries to teach the concepts, it might prove to be much more effective. Once the concept is understood, studied and learned, one can try to teach it to someone, or to oneself. This method of revision will not only allow them to go over every concept and topic in detail, but also give an overview of what needs further revision and brushing up. More questions come up and one can try and answer them This allows one to go over everything and aids thorough, detailed revision.
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6. Post-it
Research has proven that looking at something on a daily basis subliminally registers the details of the same in the mind. Based on this very theory, the method of using post it notes and posting them near the vision of the student was popularized. For example, if one pastes the periodic table near the bed and wakes up to it and spend a few moments going over it, over time, the information will be thoroughly registered in the mind. Therefore, summarizing information and writing them on post it notes and pasting them within the periphery of one’s daily visual field will aid the registration of the information. Moreover, before the examination, one has to simply revise the summaries from these post it notes.
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7. Discussion
Peers and study groups are very effective aids when it comes to revision. It is very important to discuss the study material with peers and study groups. By discussing the study material, different opinions and thoughts can be taken into consideration. This also allows one to cover all the concepts included in the study material and also brings up questions and doubts as well as concepts that are not included in the study material and syllabus and pondering over them and solving these questions allow a greater and fuller level of learning and revision.
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8. Past Papers
Past papers or mock examinations give the students an idea of what to expect in the examination. They are able to see where they stand and how much of the syllabus they are thorough with and what needs more attention. By taking past years papers and mock tests, the student also has the practice of writing for the examination. They get an idea of how to write within a time limit. Therefore, this is one of the most affective methods of revision as it allows one to go over all the study material and test themselves.
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9. Art
The use of art is not the most conventional when discussing methods of revision. However, it has been gaining popularity in the past few years. Be it making a song out of the study material, or creating a painting that represents the same, the use of art can greatly aid revision. For Example, In order to make students understand and memorize the colours of the rainbow or the bones of the body.
Research has shown that it is easier to remember the lyrics to a song because there is a melody that ties the words together. Therefore, by stringing the study material with a melody can revision and learning can be an easy and a fun process. Acting out the information has also been proven instrumental in aiding memory and revision. This method engages both the mind and body and boosts the level and quality of revision and learning.
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10. Audio Recording
Audio recording ones own voice reading out the study material or using any other audio that includes the study material is a very effective method of learning and revising. Quite often, reading might seem a more tiresome and tedious task, thus, one can listen to the audio recordings. This can also aid the process of learning when one is engaged in some other activity or is traveling, etc.
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As mentioned above, learning is a process, this process includes revision as well as studying. Thus, even though this article highlights the several methods of revision, It is very crucial to understand the importance of daily studying and note taking. Cramming of information the night before the examination has proven to be highly ineffective. Thus, one must study from day one and only then will these revision methods prove to be effective. Revision begins with the identification of what works best for you. One can use one or a combination of several revision methods. In order to revise effectively, it is also important to keep clean the mind and the surroundings one is working in.
The environment one is revising in also majorly effects the results of the revision. For example; Aromas are often used to enhance the memory and boost self confidence. Hence, one must create the proper environment before studying and try out various revision methods and find what works best for them. Some people learn better with the help of visuals while the others work better with mind maps or cue cards. Upon finding the method that works best for you, one must use it to ensure complete, thorough revision and ensure proper preparation for examinations and learning.
The importance of study plans must also be understood in order to ensure effective and organized learning. It is often suggested that one must plan out and organize the study material in such a manner that it is efficient and allows sufficient breaks. Cramming information is highly ineffective and therefore, the syllabus must be broken down into chunks with sufficient breaks in between. These methods can also be used for other endeavors and not barely for the preparation of exams and can be used for overall learning and improvement. Discipline and Time management is key to effective and proper revision and once they are achieved, no one can interfere in one’s learning and growth.